County Approval of Subdivisions and Land Developments
As of January 2020 there were 28 municipalities in Allegheny County that had not adopted a subdivision and land development ordinance (SALDO). ACED, as the county planning agency, is responsible for reviewing and approving proposed subdivisions and development of land in these municipalities. The Allegheny County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (county SALDO) applies. The County’s SALDO establishes the procedures for review and approval of applications; required contents of applications; general design standards; and standards and requirements for public and private improvements. A list of municipalities under the County SALDO is available here. However, the status of a municipality’s SALDO could change at any time at any time. If you have any questions about the list please contact ACED’s Planning Division.
If your municipality hasn’t adopted a subdivision and land development ordinance and you would like more information about the County SALDO, Planning Division staff will be happy to meet with you. Please call Will McLain at 412-350-1361.
Landowners and Developers:
If a property you intend to subdivide and/or develop is in a municipality that hasn’t adopted a SALDO, the following fact sheets will be helpful. They summarize the procedures for submitting applications to ACED, and for review and approval of applications under the county SALDO:
Application, Fee Schedule, Forms And Checklists
All applications for subdivisions and land developments that require county approval must be accompanied by the completed and signed application form and required fee; see below:
If your project is a major subdivision or land development, we recommend that you also download the application review checklists that Planning Division uses to evaluate applications for compliance with the applicable provisions of the county SALDO. The checklists may be helpful to you or the design professional that is responsible for preparing your application:
The County SALDO requires that all finally approved plans be recorded. For information about recording plans in Allegheny County, click here and look under Subdivisions and Record Plans.