
Implementation of Allegheny Places depends largely on collaboration between the County, its municipalities, and other public and private planning partners, and consistency between the County's plan and local municipal plans. Below are some frequently asked questions about the purpose and value of comprehensive planning and consistency.

A. What does consistency mean?

  • The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) defines consistency as “an agreement or correspondence between matters being compared which denotes a reasonable rational, similar, connection or relationship”.
  • The County and the municipalities decide together what is and is not consistent between Allegheny Places and local plans.
  • The County’s goal is to work cooperatively with municipalities and gain acceptance of the basic principles of Allegheny Places.

B. How do the County’s Plan and local municipal plans relate to each other?

  • Allegheny Places and municipal comprehensive plans are both planning documents that provide general guidance in regard to land use. Neither is legislative.
  • County and local plans address many of the same elements, but at different levels of specificity. Allegheny Places takes a broad view in order to plan for things important at the county level. Municipal plans take a narrower view in order to address matters important to the municipality’s interests and responsibilities.
  • Where the two views share a common vision is where the County and the municipality can cooperate.

C. What are the benefits of general consistency between county and municipal plans?

  • There is a greater likelihood that goals will be achieved when the County and municipalities work cooperatively.
  • County assistance and funding will be targeted to projects and activities that are consistent with Allegheny Places.
  • State agencies are directed to consider and rely on comprehensive plans when evaluating grants and permit applications for facilities and infrastructure.