Sara Innamorato

County Executive Sara Innamorato welcomes you...

to the website of Allegheny Places, the official Allegheny County comprehensive plan.

Allegheny Places, adopted in November 2008, is Allegheny County's award winning comprehensive land use plan.

What is a County Comprehensive Plan? Counties are required by state law to adopt a land use and growth management plan which establishes broad goals and criteria to guide municipalities in the preparation of their plans.

Allegheny Places meets the requirements of state law - but is so much more! Allegheny Places is a unique blueprint for a sustainable future envisioned by the citizens of the County, where:

  • Equity and diversity is an integral part of land use policy and decision-making
  • Stable, well-paying jobs are available in a diversified economy
  • A consistent, coordinated development process fosters sound growth and development
  • Greater sharing of services and facilities ensures citizens a cost-effective, high quality of life
  • Quality housing meets a diversity of needs and is readily available
  • New transit-oriented development and walkable mixed-use development provide energy-efficient options for living and working
  • Revitalized neighborhoods and communities celebrate Allegheny County's unique culture and history
  • An efficient multi-modal transportation system connects people and places
  • Greenways protect vital natural features and enhance Allegheny County's scenic beauty

ACED's Planning Division would be happy to meet with your municipality or organization to talk about Allegheny Places. Just give us a call at 412-350-1030.